Sheriff: Weapon Permits
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ provides answers to common questions about law changes enacted in 2017, and the process of transition from prior law to new law.
Iowa Law and DPS Administrative Rules
Chapter 724 of the Iowa Code and Administrative Rules, 661, Chapter 91 contain information on Iowa’s weapon laws and the issuance of weapon permits in Iowa.
Application for Annual Permit to Acquire Pistol/Revolvers
Form WP3 (Iowa Residents Only) - For use on or after September 1, 2017. Applications must be filed with the Sheriff of the county of residence.
Application for Permit to Carry Weapons
Form WP5 - For use on or after September 1, 2017. Applications must be filed with the Sheriff of the county of residence (except applications for a Nonresident Professional Permit and applications for a Professional Permit for a state employee whose need to go armed is employment based, which are filed with the Iowa Department of Public Safety).
Further information about weapon permits in Iowa may be obtained by contacting the Program Services Bureau of the Department in one of the following ways:
Weapon Permits
Program Services Bureau
Administrative Services Division
Iowa Department of Public Safety
Oran Pape Public Safety Building
215 East 7th Street, 4th Floor
Des Moines, IA 50319-0045
Reminder: Applications must be filed with the Sheriff of the county of residence (except applications for a Nonresident Professional Permit and applications for a Professional Permit for a state employee whose need to go armed is employment based, which are filed with the Iowa Department of Public Safety).